How To Enter a Scorecard
1 Competition Name, Player Names, Tee Date & Time
You must enter:
- The Competition Name
- Your name as Player A
- Your Handicap
- The Date and Tee Time
2 Tee You Played
Tick which colour tee you played off.
3 Markers Score
Your playing partners score goes as the Markers Score.
4 Your Score
Your score goes as Player A.
5 Signatures
You sign as the player. Your playing partner signs the markers score.
How to submit your scorecard
Post the completed scorecard in the wooden box which is on the iron table next to the club computer.
Don’t have a handicap?
If you don’t have a handicap and are looking to obtain one you will need to hand in three scorecards signed off by another member. Post these in the wooden box and they will then be processed by our handicap secretary.